Overture Tool

Formal Modelling in VDM

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Author: Marcel Verhoef

The origin of the car radio navigation example comes from Marcel Verhoef as a part of his PhD thesis where it was used to compary different formalisms. This example shows how an embedded application with both radio, navigation and traffic messages are joined in one coherent application in a distributed application.

Properties Values
Language Version: classic
Entry point : new World().RunScenario1()
Entry point : new World().RunScenario2()


class EnvironmentTask 

instance variables
  -- use a unique identifier for each generated event
  --static temporarily commented out because LookUp does not work
  private num : nat := 0;

  -- we limit the number of inserted stimuli
  protected max_stimuli : nat := 0;

  -- administration for the event traces
  -- e2s is used for all out-going stimuli (environment to system)
  -- s2e is used for all received responses (system to environment)
  protected e2s : map nat to nat := {|->};
  protected s2e : map nat to nat := {|->}

  -- checkResponseTimes verifies for each received response whether
  -- or not the elapse time did (not) exceed the user-defined limit
  public checkResponseTimes: map nat to nat * map nat to nat * nat -> bool
  checkResponseTimes (pe2s, ps2e, plim) ==
    forall idx in set dom ps2e &
      ps2e(idx) - pe2s(idx) <= plim
  -- the responses received should also be sent
  pre dom ps2e inter dom pe2s = dom ps2e

  public EnvironmentTask: nat ==> EnvironmentTask
  EnvironmentTask (pno) == max_stimuli := pno;

  public getNum: () ==> nat
  getNum () == ( dcl res : nat := num; num := num + 1; return res );

  -- Run shall be overloaded to implement the event generation loop
  -- towards the system. typically, it starts a periodic thread
  public Run: () ==> ()
  Run () == is subclass responsibility;

  public HandleEvent: nat ==> ()
  HandleEvent (pev) == is subclass responsibility;

  -- logEnvToSys is used to register when an event was inserted into
  -- the system. note that the 'time' keyword refers to the internal
  -- simulation wall clock of VDMTools
  public logEnvToSys: nat ==> ()
  logEnvToSys (pev) == e2s := e2s munion {pev |-> time};

  -- logSysToEnv is used to register when an event was received from}
  -- the system. note that the 'time' keyword refers to the internal}
  -- simulation wall clock of VDMTools}
  public logSysToEnv: nat ==> ()
  logSysToEnv (pev) == s2e := s2e munion {pev |-> time};

  -- getMinMaxAverage calculates the minimum, maximum and average
  -- response times that were observed during execution of the model
  -- note that getMinMaxAverage is blocked until the number of
  -- system responses is equal to the number of sent stimuli
  -- termination is ensured because only a maximum number of stimuli
  -- is allowed to be inserted in the system, so eventually all
  -- stimuli can be processed by the system. this method only works
  -- when each stimulus leads to exactly one response, which is the
  -- case in this instance
  public getMinMaxAverage: () ==> nat * nat * real
  getMinMaxAverage () ==
    ( dcl min : [nat] := nil, max : [nat] := nil, diff : nat := 0;
      for all cnt in set dom s2e do
        let dt = s2e(cnt) - e2s(cnt) in 
          ( if min = nil then min := dt
            else (if min > dt then min := dt);
            if max = nil then max := dt
            else (if max < dt then max := dt);
            diff := diff + dt );
      return mk_(min, max, diff / card dom s2e) )
pre card dom s2e > 0;

public static IsFinished: () ==> ()
IsFinished() == skip;

  -- getNum is mutually exclusive to ensure unique values
  mutex (getNum);
  -- getMinMaxAverage is blocked until all responses have been received
  per getMinMaxAverage => card dom s2e >= max_stimuli;

  per IsFinished => #fin(logSysToEnv) > 0;

end EnvironmentTask


class InsertAddress
  is subclass of EnvironmentTask

  public InsertAddress: nat ==> InsertAddress
  InsertAddress (pno) == max_stimuli := pno;

  public HandleEvent: nat ==> ()
  HandleEvent (pev) == logSysToEnv(pev)
  post checkResponseTimes(e2s,s2e,24000000000);

  public Run: () ==> ()
  Run () == start(self); 

  createSignal: () ==> ()
  createSignal () ==
    ( dcl num2 : nat := getNum();
      RadNavSys`mmi.HandleKeyPress(2,num2) )

  periodic (2000E6,100,1000,0) 

end InsertAddress


class MMI

  public HandleKeyPress: nat * nat ==> ()
  HandleKeyPress (pn, pno) ==
    ( cycles (1E5) skip;
      --duration (1E5) skip;
      cases (pn):
        1 -> RadNavSys`radio.AdjustVolume(pno),
        2 -> RadNavSys`navigation.DatabaseLookup(pno)
      end );

  public UpdateScreen: nat * nat ==> ()
  UpdateScreen (pn, pno) ==
    ( cycles (5E5) skip;
      --duration (5E5) skip;
      cases (pn):
        1 -> World`envTasks("VolumeKnob").HandleEvent(pno),
        2 -> World`envTasks("InsertAddress").HandleEvent(pno),
        3 -> World`envTasks("TransmitTMC").HandleEvent(pno)
      end )

end MMI


class Navigation

  public DatabaseLookup: nat ==> ()
  DatabaseLookup (pno) ==
    ( cycles (5E6) skip;
      --duration (5E6) skip;
      RadNavSys`mmi.UpdateScreen(2, pno) );

  public DecodeTMC: nat ==> ()
  DecodeTMC (pno) ==
    ( cycles (5E5) skip;
      --duration (5E6) skip;
      RadNavSys`mmi.UpdateScreen(3, pno) )

end Navigation


system RadNavSys

instance variables
  -- create an MMI class instance
  static public mmi : MMI := new MMI();
  -- define the first CPU with fixed priority scheduling and 22E6 MIPS
  CPU1 : CPU := new CPU (<FP>, 22E6);

  -- create an Radio class instance
  static public radio : Radio := new Radio();
  -- define the second CPU with fixed priority scheduling and 11E6 MIPS
  CPU2 : CPU := new CPU (<FP>, 11E6);

  -- create an Navigation class instance
  static public navigation : Navigation := new Navigation();
  -- define the third CPU with fixed priority scheduling and 113 MIPS
  CPU3 : CPU := new CPU (<FP>, 113E6); 

  -- create a communication bus that links the three CPU's together
  BUS1 : BUS := new BUS (<CSMACD>, 72E3, {CPU1, CPU2, CPU3})

  public RadNavSys: () ==> RadNavSys
  RadNavSys () ==
    ( -- deploy mmi on CPU1
      -- deploy radio on CPU2
--      CPU2.setPriority(Radio`DecodeTMC,90);
      -- deploy navigation on CPU3
      CPU3.setPriority(Navigation`DatabaseLookup, 100);
      CPU3.setPriority(Navigation`DecodeTMC, 90)
      -- starting the CPUs and BUS is implicit

end RadNavSys


class Radio

  public AdjustVolume: nat ==> ()
  AdjustVolume (pno) ==
    ( cycles (1E5) skip;
      --duration (1E5) skip;
      RadNavSys`mmi.UpdateScreen(1, pno) );

  public HandleTMC: nat ==> ()
  HandleTMC (pno) ==
    ( cycles (1E6) skip;
      --duration (1E6) skip;
      RadNavSys`navigation.DecodeTMC(pno) )

end Radio


class Test

instance variables

mmi   : MMI        := new MMI();
radio : Radio      := new Radio();
nav   : Navigation := new Navigation();


TT: let x in set {1,2,3}
      ((mmi.HandleKeyPress(x,x) | 
       mmi.UpdateScreen(x,x) | 
       radio.AdjustVolume(x) |
       radio.HandleTMC(x) |
       nav.DatabaseLookup(x) |

end Test


class TransmitTMC
  is subclass of EnvironmentTask

  public TransmitTMC: nat ==> TransmitTMC
  TransmitTMC (pno) == max_stimuli := pno;

  public HandleEvent: nat ==> ()
  HandleEvent (pev) == logSysToEnv(pev)
  post checkResponseTimes(e2s,s2e,40000000000);

  public Run: () ==> ()
  Run () == start(self); --,TransmitTMCT);

  createSignal: () ==> ()
  createSignal () ==
    ( dcl num2 : nat := getNum();
      RadNavSys`radio.HandleTMC(num2) )

  periodic (4000E6,400,3910,0) 

end TransmitTMC


class VolumeKnob
  is subclass of EnvironmentTask

  public VolumeKnob: nat ==> VolumeKnob
  VolumeKnob (pno) == max_stimuli := pno;

  public HandleEvent: nat ==> ()
  HandleEvent (pev) == logSysToEnv(pev)
  post checkResponseTimes(e2s,s2e,22000000000);

  public Run: () ==> ()
  Run () == start(self); --,VolumeKnobT);

  createSignal: () ==> ()
  createSignal () ==
    ( dcl num2 : nat := getNum();
      RadNavSys`mmi.HandleKeyPress(1,num2) )

  periodic (1000E6,50,500,0) 

end VolumeKnob


class World

  public perfdata = nat * nat * real

instance variables
  static public envTasks : map seq of char to EnvironmentTask := {|->};

  addEnvironmentTask: seq of char * EnvironmentTask ==> ()
  addEnvironmentTask (pnm, penv) ==
    ( envTasks := envTasks munion { pnm |-> penv };
      penv.Run() );

  public RunScenario1 : () ==> map seq of char to perfdata
  RunScenario1 () ==
    ( addEnvironmentTask("VolumeKnob", new VolumeKnob(10));
      addEnvironmentTask("TransmitTMC", new TransmitTMC(10));
      return { name |-> envTasks(name).getMinMaxAverage() 
             | name in set dom envTasks } );

  public RunScenario2 : () ==> map seq of char to perfdata 
  RunScenario2 () ==
    ( addEnvironmentTask("InsertAddress", new InsertAddress(10));
      addEnvironmentTask("TransmitTMC", new TransmitTMC(10));
      return { name |-> envTasks(name).getMinMaxAverage() 
             | name in set dom envTasks } );

end World