Overture Tool

Formal Modelling in VDM

Overture Tool

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Author: John Fitzgerald and Peter Gorm Larsen

This is an erronerous version of the alarm example from the VDM-SL book, John Fitzgerald and Peter Gorm Larsen, Modelling Systems – Practical Tools and Techniques in Software Development}, Cambridge University Press, 2nd edition 2009. This version of the example is used for illustrating the tool support in tutorial material about Overture. It is inspired by a subcomponent of a large alarm system developed by IFAD A/S. It is modelling the management of alarms for an industrial plant. The purpose of the model is to clarify the rules governing the duty roster and calling out of experts to deal with alarms. A comparable model of this example also exists in VDM++.

Properties Values
Language Version: classic



  Plant :: schedule : Schedule
           alarms   : set of Alarm
  inv mk_Plant(schedule,alarms) ==
        forall a in set alarms &
       forall per in set dom schedule &

  Schedule = map Period to set of Expert
  inv schedule == forall exs in set rng schedule & exss <> {};

  Period = token;

  Expert :: expertid : ExpertId
            quali    : set of Qualification
  inv ex == ex.quali <> {};

  ExpertId = token;

  Qualification = <Elec>  <Mech> | <Bio> | <Chem>;

  Alarm :: alarmtext : seq of char
           quali     : Qualification


  NumberOfExperts: Period * Plant -> nat
  NumberOfExperts(per,plant) ==
    card plant.schedule(per)
  pre per in set dom plant.schedule;

  ExpertIsOnDuty: Expert * Plant -> set of Period
  ExpertIsOnDuty(ex,mk_Plant(sch,-)) ==
    {per| per in set dom sch & ex in set sch(per)}

  ExpertToPage(a:Alarm,per:Period,plant:Plant) r Expert
  pre per in set dom plant.schedule and
      a in set plant.alarms
  post r in set plant.schedule(per) and
       a.quali in set r.qualifi;

  QualificationOK: set of Expert * Qualification -> bool
  QualificationOK(exs,reqquali) ==
    exists ex in set exs  reqquali = ex.quali