Overture Tool

Formal Modelling in VDM

Overture Tool

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Author: Lothar Schmitz

This VDM model is made by Lothar Schmitz and it has taken different standard algorithms for the length of longest upsequence problem from David Gries and Janusz Laski (see references below). Different versions of the algorithms are included. See also:

David Gries: The Science of Programming, Springer-Verlag 1981, pp. 259-262.

Janusz Laski und William Stanley, Software Verification and Analysis, Springer-Verlag, 2009.

Properties Values
Language Version: classic
Entry point : DEFAULTlupsmOp1Gries(DEFAULTa1)
Entry point : DEFAULTlupsmOp1Gries(DEFAULTa2)
Entry point : DEFAULTlupsmOp1Gries(DEFAULTa3)
Entry point : DEFAULTlupsmOp1Gries(DEFAULTa4)
Entry point : DEFAULTlupsmOp1Gries(DEFAULTa5)
Entry point : DEFAULTlupslOp1Laski(DEFAULTa1)
Entry point : DEFAULTlupslOp1Laski(DEFAULTa2)
Entry point : DEFAULTlupslOp1Laski(DEFAULTa3)
Entry point : DEFAULTlupslOp1Laski(DEFAULTa4)
Entry point : DEFAULTlupslOp1Laski(DEFAULTa5)
Entry point : DEFAULTlupsmOp2Gries(DEFAULTa1)
Entry point : DEFAULTlupsmOp2Gries(DEFAULTa2)
Entry point : DEFAULTlupsmOp2Gries(DEFAULTa3)
Entry point : DEFAULTlupsmOp2Gries(DEFAULTa4)
Entry point : DEFAULTlupsmOp2Gries(DEFAULTa5)
Entry point : DEFAULTlupslOp2Laski(DEFAULTa1)
Entry point : DEFAULTlupslOp2Laski(DEFAULTa2)
Entry point : DEFAULTlupslOp2Laski(DEFAULTa3)
Entry point : DEFAULTlupslOp2Laski(DEFAULTa4)
Entry point : DEFAULTlupslOp2Laski(DEFAULTa5)



array = seq1 of int;


a1: array = [1,2,9,4,7,3]; --,11,8,14,6]; 
a2: array = [4,3,2,1];
a3 = [1,2,3,4]; 
a4 = [2];
a5 = [2,2,2,2];


MaxOfSet: set of int -> int
MaxOfSet(s) ==
 let e in set s in
   if card s = 1 then
      let mr = MaxOfSet(s\{e}) in
         if e > mr then e else mr
 pre s <> {}
 post RESULT in set s and forall e in set s & e <= RESULT
 measure CardInt;

CardInt: set of int -> nat
CardInt(s) == card s;

lupsltok : array * nat1 -> nat
lupsltok(a,k) ==
 let compatible = {lupsltok(a,j) | j in set{1,...,k-1} & a(j)<=a(k)} 
   if compatible = {} 
   then 1 
   else MaxOfSet(compatible) + 1; 

lupsl : array -> nat
lupsl(a) == 
  MaxOfSet({lupsltok(a,j) | j in set inds a});

ascending : array * set of int -> bool
ascending(a,s) ==
   forall i,j in set s & i<j => a(i)<=a(j) pre s subset (inds a);

lupslSpec : array -> int
lupslSpec(a) ==
   MaxOfSet({ card s | s in set power inds a & ascending(a,s) })


lupslOp1Laski : array ==> nat
lupslOp1Laski(a) == 
  (dcl lupsls : set of nat := {};
   for all k in set inds a do
      lupsls := lupsls union {lupsltok(a,k)};
   return MaxOfSet(lupsls);
post lupslSpec(a) = RESULT;

state lups of
  lupslarr : array 
init s == s = mk_lups([1])


lupsmOp1Gries : array ==> nat
lupsmOp1Gries(a) == 
  (lupslarr := [a(1)];
   for k = 2 to len a do
   return len lupslarr;
post lupslSpec(a) = RESULT;

lupsm4kop1Gries : array * nat1 ==> ()
lupsm4kop1Gries(a,k) ==
  (dcl i : int; 
   if lupslarr(len lupslarr)<=a(k) then
      lupslarr := lupslarr^[a(k)]
     (i := iota x in set {1,...,len lupslarr} &
             lupslarr(x) > a(k) and 
             forall j in set {1,...,x-1} & lupslarr(j) <= a(k);
      lupslarr(i) := a(k);
pre k in set inds a;

lupslOp2Laski : array ==> nat
lupslOp2Laski(a) == 
  (dcl lupslmax : nat := 0;
   for k = 1 to len a do
      let lak = lupsltok(a,k) in
        if lak > lupslmax then lupslmax := lak;
   return lupslmax;
post lupslSpec(a) = RESULT;

lupsmOp2Gries : array ==> nat
lupsmOp2Gries(a) == 
  (lupslarr := [a(1)];
   for k = 2 to len a do
   return len lupslarr;
post lupslSpec(a) = RESULT;

lupsm4kop2Gries : array * nat1 ==> ()
lupsm4kop2Gries(a,k) ==
  (dcl i : int; 
   if lupslarr(len lupslarr)<=a(k) then
      lupslarr := lupslarr^[a(k)]
     (i := 1;
      while lupslarr(i) <= a(k) do
         i := i+1;
      lupslarr(i) := a(k);
pre k in set inds a;

lupslOp3Laski : array ==> nat
lupslOp3Laski(a) == 
  (dcl lupslmax : nat := 0; 
   for k = 1 to len a do
      let lak = lupsltokop1Laski(a,k) in
        if lak > lupslmax 
        then lupslmax := lak;
   return lupslmax;
post lupslSpec(a) = RESULT;

lupsltokop1Laski : array * nat1 ==> nat
lupsltokop1Laski(a,k) ==
  (dcl compatible : set of int := {};
   dcl erg : int; 
   for j = 1 to k-1 do
       if a(j)<=a(k) then
          compatible := (compatible union {lupslarr(j)});
   if compatible = {} then 
      erg := 1
      erg := MaxOfSet(compatible) + 1;
   lupslarr := lupslarr^[erg];
   return erg;
pre k in set inds a; 

lupsmOp3Gries : array ==> nat
lupsmOp3Gries(a) == 
  (lupslarr := [a(1)];
   for k = 2 to len a do
   return len lupslarr;
post lupslSpec(a) = RESULT;

lupsm4kop3Gries : array * nat1 ==> ()
lupsm4kop3Gries(a,k) ==
  (dcl li : int,
       re : int,
       m  : int; 
   if lupslarr(len lupslarr)<=a(k) then
          lupslarr := lupslarr^[a(k)]
   elseif a(k)< lupslarr(1) then 
      lupslarr(1) := a(k)
      (li := 1;
       re := len lupslarr;
       while li <> re-1 do
         (m := (li+re) div 2;
          if lupslarr(m)<=a(k) then
             li := m
             re := m;
         lupslarr(re) := a(k);
pre k in set inds a;

lupslOp4Laski : array ==> nat
lupslOp4Laski(a) == 
  (dcl lupslmax : nat := 0; 
   for k = 1 to len a do
      let lak = lupsltokop2Laski(a,k) in
        if lak > lupslmax 
        then lupslmax := lak;
   return lupslmax;
post lupslSpec(a) = RESULT;

lupsltokop2Laski : array * nat1 ==> nat
lupsltokop2Laski(a,k) ==
  (dcl erg : int := 0; 
   for j = 1 to k-1 do
       if a(j)<=a(k) then
          if erg < lupslarr(j) 
          then erg := lupslarr(j);
   erg := erg+1;
   lupslarr := lupslarr^[erg];
   return erg;
pre k in set inds a;