Overture Tool

Formal Modelling in VDM

Overture Tool

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Author: Graeme Parkin

This specification is of the Message Authenticator Algorithm (MAA) standard is used in the area of data security in banking and the scope of the standard is authentication. More details can be found in:

G.I. Parkin and G O'Neill, “Specification of the MAA standard in VDM”, In S. Prehn and W.J. Toetenel (eds), “VDM'91: Formal Software Development Methods”, Springer-Verlag, October 1991.

Properties Values
Language Version: classic


   Word_Length = 32;
   Maximum_Number_Size = 2 ** Word_Length - 1;
   Maximum_Number_Size_plus_1 = Maximum_Number_Size + 1;
   Maximum_Number_Size_plus_1_div_2 = Maximum_Number_Size_plus_1 div 2;
   Maximum_No_of_Message_blocks = 1000000;

   A = 2 * 2 **24 + 4 * 2 **16 + 8 * 2 **8 + 1;
   B = 0 * 2 **24 + 128 * 2 **16 + 64 * 2 **8 + 33;
   C = 191 * 2 **24 + 239 * 2 **16 + 127 * 2 **8 + 223;
   D = 125 * 2 **24 + 254 * 2 **16 + 251 * 2 **8 + 255;

   Maximum_No_of_blocks_for_MAC = 1024 div 4;
   Maximum_No_of_blocks_for_MAC_plus_1 = Maximum_No_of_blocks_for_MAC + 1

   Number = nat
   inv N == N  < Maximum_Number_Size_plus_1;

   Bit = nat
   inv b == b in set {0,1};

   Message_in_bits = seq of Bit
   inv M ==  
    if  len M mod Word_Length  = 0 
    then ( len M div Word_Length  <= Maximum_No_of_Message_blocks) and 
       ( len M  > 0)  
    else  len M div Word_Length + 1  <= Maximum_No_of_Message_blocks;

   Message_in_blocks_plus_empty_Message = seq of Number
   inv M ==  len M  <= Maximum_No_of_Message_blocks;

   Message_in_blocks = Message_in_blocks_plus_empty_Message
   inv M == 1  <=  len M;

   Double_Number = seq of Number
   inv d ==  len d  = 2;

   Key = Double_Number;

   Key_Constant :: X0 : Number
       Y0 : Number
       V0 : Number
       W : Number
       S : Number
       T : Number

   Pad_out_Message: Message_in_bits -> Message_in_bits
   Pad_out_Message(M) ==  
   let No_Extra_bits = Word_Length -  len M mod Word_Length in  
    if No_Extra_bits  = Word_Length  
    then M   
    else M  ^  Get_Application_defined_bits(M,No_Extra_bits);

   Get_Application_defined_bits(M: Message_in_bits, No_bits: nat) 
                               Extra : Message_in_bits
   pre No_bits  < Word_Length
   post  len Extra  = No_bits;

   Form_Message_into_blocks: Message_in_bits -> Message_in_blocks
   Form_Message_into_blocks(M) ==   
    if  len M  = Word_Length  
    then [Form_Number(M)]  
    else [Form_Number(Get_head_in_bits(M,Word_Length))] ^ 
   pre ( len M  >= Word_Length) and ( len M mod Word_Length  = 0);

   Form_Number: Message_in_bits -> Number
   Form_Number(M) ==   
    if  len M  = 1 then  hd M  
    else  hd M + 2 * Form_Number( tl M)
   pre  len M  <= Word_Length;

   CYC: Number -> Number
   CYC(X) ==   
   ADD(X,X) + CAR(X,X);

   AND: Number * Number -> Number
   AND(X,Y) ==   
    if (X  = 0) or (Y  = 0)  
    then 0  
    else X mod 2 * Y mod 2 + 2 * AND(X div 2,Y div 2);

   OR: Number * Number -> Number
   OR(X,Y) ==   
    if (X  = 0) or (Y  = 0)  
    then X + Y  
    else max(X mod 2,Y mod 2) + 2 * OR(X div 2,Y div 2);

   max: int * int -> int
   max(X,Y) ==   
    if X  >= Y  
    then X  
    else Y;

   XOR: Number * Number -> Number
   XOR(X,Y) ==   
    if (X  = 0) or (Y  = 0)  
    then X + Y  
    else (X + Y) mod 2 + 2 * XOR(X div 2,Y div 2);

   ADD: Number * Number -> Number
   ADD(X,Y) ==   
   (X + Y) mod Maximum_Number_Size_plus_1;

   CAR: Number * Number -> Number
   CAR(X,Y) ==   
   (X + Y) div Maximum_Number_Size_plus_1;

   MUL1: Number * Number -> Number
   MUL1(X,Y) ==   
   let L = (X * Y) mod Maximum_Number_Size_plus_1,
   U = X * Y div Maximum_Number_Size_plus_1 in   
   let S = ADD(U,L),
   C = CAR(U,L) in ADD(S,C);

   MUL2: Number * Number -> Number
   MUL2(X,Y) == let L = (X * Y) mod Maximum_Number_Size_plus_1,
   U = X * Y div Maximum_Number_Size_plus_1 in let D = ADD(U,U),
   E = CAR(U,U) in let F = ADD(D,2 * E) in let S = ADD(F,L),
   C = CAR(F,L) in ADD(S,2 * C);

   MUL2A: Number * Number -> Number
   MUL2A(X,Y) ==   
   let L = (X * Y) mod Maximum_Number_Size_plus_1,
   U = X * Y div Maximum_Number_Size_plus_1 in   
   let D = ADD(U,U) in   
   let S = ADD(D,L),
   C = CAR(D,L) in ADD(S,2 * C)
   pre (X div Maximum_Number_Size_plus_1_div_2  = 0) or 
       (Y div Maximum_Number_Size_plus_1_div_2  = 0);

   BYT: Double_Number -> Double_Number
   BYT(K) ==   
   let X =  hd K,
       Y =  hd  tl K in   
   let X' = [Byte(X,3),Byte(X,2),Byte(X,1),Byte(X,0)],
       Y' = [Byte(Y,3),Byte(Y,2),Byte(Y,1),Byte(X,0)] in   
   let XY = X'  ^  Y',
       P = 0 in   
   let XY' = Condition_Sequence(XY,P) in   
   let X'' = Get_head_in_blocks(XY',4),
       Y'' = Get_tail_in_blocks(XY',4) in   
   [Convert_Bytes_to_Number(X'')]  ^  [Convert_Bytes_to_Number(Y'')];

   Byte: Number * nat -> Number
   Byte(N,B) ==   
    if B  = 0  
    then N mod 2 **8  
    else Byte(N div 2 **8,B - 1)
   pre (B  >= 0) and (B  <= 3);

   Condition_Sequence: Message_in_blocks * Number -> Message_in_blocks
   Condition_Sequence(M,P) ==   
    if  len M  = 1  
    then [Condition_value( hd M,P)]  
    else [Condition_value( hd M,P)] ^ 
         Condition_Sequence( tl M,Changes( hd M,P));

   Condition_value: Number * Number -> Number
   Condition_value(B,P) ==   
   let P' = 2 * P in   
   let P'' = P' + 1 in   
    if B  = 0 then P''  
    else  if B  = 2 **8 - 1  
        then 2 **8 - 1 - P''  
        else B;

   Changes: Number * Number -> Number
   Changes(B,P) ==   
   let P' = 2 * P in   
   let P'' = P' + 1 in   
    if (B  = 0) or (B  = 2 **8 - 1)  
    then P''  
    else P';

   Convert_Bytes_to_Number: Message_in_blocks -> Number
   Convert_Bytes_to_Number(M) ==   
    if  len M  = 1  
    then  hd M  
    else Convert_Bytes_to_Number( tl M) +  hd M * 2 **(8 * ( len M - 1));

   PAT: Double_Number -> Number
   PAT(D) ==   
   let X =  hd D,
       Y =  hd  tl D in   
   let X' = [Byte(X,3),Byte(X,2),Byte(Y,1),Byte(Y,0)],
       Y' = [Byte(Y,3),Byte(Y,2),Byte(Y,1),Byte(Y,0)] in   
   let XY = X'  ^  Y',
       P = 0 in   

   Record_Changes: Message_in_blocks * Number -> Number
   Record_Changes(M,P) ==   
    if  len M  = 1  
    then Changes( hd M,P)  
    else Record_Changes( tl M,Changes( hd M,P));

   Prelude: Key -> Key_Constant
   Prelude(K) ==   
   let J1K1 = BYT(K) in   
   let J1 =  hd J1K1,
       K1 =  hd  tl J1K1,
       P = PAT(K),
       Q = (1 + P) * (1 + P) in   
   let J12 = MUL1(J1,J1),
       J22 = MUL2(J1,J1) in   
   let J14 = MUL1(J12,J12),
       J24 = MUL2(J22,J22) in   
   let J16 = MUL1(J12,J14),
       J26 = MUL2(J22,J24) in   
   let J18 = MUL1(J12,J16),
       J28 = MUL2(J22,J26) in 
   let H4 = XOR(J14,J28),
       H6 = XOR(J16,J26),
       H8 = XOR(J18,J28) in   
   let K12 = MUL1(K1,K1),
       K22 = MUL2(K1,K1) in   
   let K14 = MUL1(K12,K12),
       K24 = MUL2(K22,K22) in   
   let K15 = MUL1(K1,K14),
       K25 = MUL2(K1,K24) in   
   let K17 = MUL1(K12,K15),
       K27 = MUL2(K22,K25) in   
   let K19 = MUL1(K12,K17),
       K29 = MUL2(K22,K27) in   
   let H' = XOR(K15,K25) in   
   let H5 = MUL2(H',Q),
       H7 = XOR(K17,K27),
       H9 = XOR(K19,K29) in 
   let X0Y0 = BYT([H4,H5]),
       V0W = BYT([H6,H7]),
       ST = BYT([H8,H9]) in   
   mk_Key_Constant( hd X0Y0, hd  tl X0Y0, hd V0W, hd  tl V0W, hd ST, hd  tl ST);

   Main_loop: Message_in_blocks_plus_empty_Message * Key_Constant -> Number
   Main_loop(M,KC) ==   
   let mk_Key_Constant(X,Y,V,W,S,T) = KC in   
    if  len M  = 0  
    then XOR(X,Y)  
    else let Mi =  hd M in   
         let V' = CYC(V) in   
         let E = XOR(V',W),
             X' = XOR(X,Mi),
             Y' = XOR(Y,Mi) in   
         let F = ADD(E,Y'),
             G = ADD(E,X') in   
         let F' = OR(F,A),
             G' = OR(G,B) in   
         let F'' = AND(F',C),
             G'' = AND(G',D) in   
         let X'' = MUL1(X',F''),
             Y'' = MUL2A(Y',G'') in   
   Main_loop( tl M,mk_Key_Constant(X'',Y'',V',W,S,T));

   Z: Message_in_blocks * Key -> Number
   Z(M,K) ==   
   let KC = Prelude(K) in   
   let S = KC.S,
       T = KC.T in   
   let M' = M  ^  [S]  ^  [T] in   

   MAC: Message_in_bits * Key -> Number
   MAC(M,K) ==   
   let M' = Pad_out_Message(M) in   
   let M'' = Form_Message_into_blocks(M') in   
    if  len M''  <= Maximum_No_of_blocks_for_MAC  
    then Z(M'',K)  
    else let M''' =   
                 ^  Get_tail_in_blocks(M'',Maximum_No_of_blocks_for_MAC) in   

   Z_of_SEG: Message_in_blocks * Key * nat -> Number
   Z_of_SEG(M,K,No_blocks) ==   
    if  len M  <= No_blocks  
    then Z(M,K)  
    else let M' = [Z(Get_head_in_blocks(M,No_blocks),K)]  ^   
               Get_tail_in_blocks(M,No_blocks) in   

   Get_tail_in_bits: Message_in_bits * nat -> Message_in_bits
   Get_tail_in_bits(M,No_bits) ==   
    if No_bits  = 0  
    then M  
    else Get_tail_in_bits( tl M,No_bits - 1)
   pre  len M  >= No_bits;

   Get_head_in_bits: Message_in_bits * nat -> Message_in_bits
   Get_head_in_bits(M,No_bits) ==   
    if No_bits  = 0  
    then [ hd M]  
    else [ hd M]  ^  Get_head_in_bits( tl M,No_bits - 1)
   pre ( len M  >= No_bits) and (No_bits  >= 1);

   Get_tail_in_blocks: Message_in_blocks * nat -> Message_in_blocks
   Get_tail_in_blocks(M,No_blocks) ==   
    if No_blocks  = 0  
    then M  
    else Get_tail_in_blocks( tl M,No_blocks - 1)
   pre  len M  >= No_blocks;

   Get_head_in_blocks: Message_in_blocks * nat -> Message_in_blocks
   Get_head_in_blocks(M,No_blocks) ==   
    if No_blocks  = 0  
    then [ hd M]  
    else [ hd M]  ^  Get_head_in_blocks( tl M,No_blocks - 1)
   pre ( len M  >= No_blocks) and (No_blocks  >= 1)