Overture Tool

Formal Modelling in VDM

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Author: Nick Battle

A standard Tic-tac-toe game

Properties Values
Language Version: vdm10


-- A simple model of a tic-tac-toe game (noughts and crosses)

module XO
exports all
    SIZE:nat1   = 3;                        -- The size of the board (3x3)
    MAX:nat1    = SIZE * SIZE;              -- The maximum number of moves

    Player = <NOUGHT> | <CROSS>;            -- Just two players

    Pos ::                                  -- A position for a move
        row : nat1
        col : nat1
    inv p ==
        p.row <= SIZE and p.col <= SIZE;    -- Row/col must be on the board

    Game = map Pos to Player;               -- A game (who has moved where)

    S:set of nat1 = {1, ..., SIZE};

    winningLines = dunion           -- Sets of Pos for winning lines
        {{ mk_Pos(r, c)         | c in set S } | r in set S },  -- All rows
        {{ mk_Pos(r, c)         | r in set S } | c in set S },  -- All columns
        {{ mk_Pos(x, x)         | x in set S }},                -- Diagnonal
        {{ mk_Pos(x, SIZE-x+1)  | x in set S }}                 -- Other diagonal

    hasWon: Game * Player -> bool
    hasWon(g, p) ==
        let moves = movesForPlayer(g, p) in
            exists line in set winningLines &
                line subset moves;

    whoWon: Game -> Player
    whoWon(g) ==
        iota p:Player & hasWon(g, p)
    pre isWon(g);

    isWon: Game -> bool
    isWon(g) ==
        exists1 p:Player & hasWon(g, p);

    isDraw: Game -> bool
    isDraw(g) ==
        not isWon(g) and moveCountLeft(g) = 0;

    isUnfinished: Game -> bool
    isUnfinished(g) ==
        not isWon(g) and not isDraw(g);

    movesSoFar: Game -> set of Pos
    movesSoFar(g) ==
        dom g;

    moveCountSoFar: Game -> nat
    moveCountSoFar(g) ==
        card movesSoFar(g);

    moveCountLeft: Game -> nat
    moveCountLeft(g) ==
        MAX - moveCountSoFar(g);

    movesForPlayer: Game * Player -> set of Pos
    movesForPlayer(g, p) ==
        dom (g :> {p});

    PLAYERS = { p | p:Player };     -- The set of all Players

    Moves = seq of Pos              -- A legal game play sequence
    inv moves ==
        len moves = card elems moves and            -- Has no duplicated moves
        len moves > card PLAYERS * (SIZE - 1) and   -- Has minimum moves to win 
        len moves <= MAX;                           -- Hasn't too many moves

    PlayOrder = seq1 of Player              -- The order of play of the players
    inv order ==
        len order = card elems order and    -- No duplicates in the list
        elems order = PLAYERS               -- Order contains all players

state Sigma of
    game : Game     -- The game board, initialized by the play operation

    move: Player * Pos ==> ()
    move(p, pos) ==
        game(pos) := p
    pre pos not in set movesSoFar(game) and
        moveCountLeft(game) > 0
    post game = game~ munion {pos |-> p} and
         moveCountSoFar(game) = moveCountSoFar(game~) + 1;

    play: PlayOrder * Moves ==> Player | <DRAW> | <UNFINISHED>
    play(playorder, moves) ==
        dcl order:PlayOrder := playorder;   -- hd order is always next to play
        game := {|->};

        for m in moves do
            let player = hd order in
                move(player, m);

                if isWon(game) then
                    return whoWon(game)
                elseif isDraw(game) then
                    return <DRAW>
                    order := tl order ^ [player]

        return <UNFINISHED>
    post if RESULT = <DRAW> then isDraw(game)
         else if RESULT = <UNFINISHED> then isUnfinished(game)
         else RESULT = whoWon(game);

end XO


-- A simple model of a tic-tac-toe game (noughts and crosses)

module XOTests
imports from XO
        Pos renamed Pos;
        PlayOrder renamed PlayOrder;
        Moves renamed Moves;
        Player renamed Player
        SIZE renamed SIZE

exports all

-- Test data and supporting operations/traces

    OX = [<NOUGHT>, <CROSS>];
    XO = [<CROSS>, <NOUGHT>];
    XX = [<CROSS>];

    T1 = [mk_Pos(1,1), mk_Pos(1,2), mk_Pos(2,1), mk_Pos(1,3), mk_Pos(3,1)];
    T2 = [mk_Pos(1,1), mk_Pos(1,2), mk_Pos(1,3), mk_Pos(2,2), mk_Pos(3,1), mk_Pos(3,2)];
    E1 = [mk_Pos(1,1), mk_Pos(1,1), mk_Pos(1,2), mk_Pos(2,1), mk_Pos(1,3)];

    S = {1, ..., SIZE}

    test: PlayOrder * Moves ==> Player | <DRAW> | <UNFINISHED>
    test(playorder, moves) ==
        XO`play(playorder, moves);

        let ALLPOS = { mk_Pos(r, c) | r, c in set S } in            -- All 3x3 = 9 positions
        let m1 in set ALLPOS in                                     -- 9 1st moves
        let m2 in set ALLPOS \ {m1} in                              -- 72 1st-2nd pairs
        let m3 in set ALLPOS \ {m1, m2} in                          -- 504 1st-2nd-3rd etc...
        let m4 in set ALLPOS \ {m1, m2, m3} in                      -- 3024
        let m5 in set ALLPOS \ {m1, m2, m3, m4} in                  -- 15120 (minimum)
--      let m6 in set ALLPOS \ {m1, m2, m3, m4, m5} in              -- 60480
--      let m7 in set ALLPOS \ {m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, m6} in          -- 181440
--      let m8 in set ALLPOS \ {m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, m6, m7} in      -- 362880
--      let m9 in set ALLPOS \ {m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, m6, m7, m8} in  -- 362880
            XO`play(XO, [m1, m2, m3, m4, m5]);

end XOTests