Overture Tool

Formal Modelling in VDM

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Author: Kevin Blackburn

This specification was produced during a VDM-SL course presented by Peter Gorm Larsen to ICL Enterprise Engineering in 1994. The modelling of bags was one of the exercises the attendees (including the author Kevin Blackburn) was confronted with during the course. This specification is mainly intended for the purpose of illustrating how bags can be used. This is modelled using an executable subset and a collection of small tests are included.

Properties Values
Language Version: classic
Entry point : BAGTEST`TestBagAll()


module BAG


  struct Bag;
  struct Elem


  Empty: () -> Bag;
  Add: Elem * Bag -> Bag;
  Remove: Elem * Bag -> Bag;
  Count: Elem * Bag -> nat;
  In: Elem * Bag -> bool;
  Join: Bag * Bag -> Bag;
  Union: Bag * Bag -> Bag;
  SubBag: Bag * Bag -> bool;
  Difference: Bag * Bag -> Bag;
  Size: Bag -> nat;
  Intersection: Bag * Bag -> Bag;
  SeqToBag: seq of Elem -> Bag

  baga,bagb: Bag


  Elem = <A> | <B> | <C> | <D> | <E>;
  Bag = map Elem to nat1

  -- Support Functions

  -- Minimum value of a pair of two integers
  Min : nat * nat -> nat
  Min (i, j) ==
    if i < j
    then i
    else j;

  -- Maximum value of a pair of two integers
  Max : nat * nat -> nat
  Max (i, j) ==
    if i > j
    then i
    else j;

  -- Add a sequence of elements, s, to a bag, b, 
  -- by adding the head of s, 
  -- and making a recursive call
  AuxSeqToBag : seq of Elem * Bag -> Bag
  AuxSeqToBag (s, b) ==
    cases s :
    []         -> b,
    [e] ^ rest -> AuxSeqToBag(rest, Add(e, b))
  measure LenPar1;

  LenPar1 : seq of Elem * Bag -> nat
  LenPar1(list,-) ==
    len list;

  -- Functions Required by Customer
  -- These as described by the user document 
  -- (Exercise 7)

  Empty : () -> Bag
  Empty () ==
    { |-> };

  Add : Elem * Bag -> Bag
  Add (e, b) ==
    if e in set dom b
    then b ++ {e |-> b(e) + 1}
    else b ++ {e |-> 1};

  Remove : Elem * Bag -> Bag
  Remove (e, b) ==
    if e in set dom b
    then if b(e) = 1
         then {e} <-: b
         else b ++ {e |-> b(e) - 1}
    else b;

  Count : Elem * Bag -> nat
  Count (e, b) ==
    if e in set dom b
    then b(e)
    else 0;
  -- from given examples, if not in bag then 
  -- count = 0, not an error

  In : Elem * Bag -> bool
  In (e, b) ==
    e in set dom b;

  Join : Bag * Bag -> Bag
  Join (b1, b2) ==
    { e |-> Max( Count(e, b1),  Count(e, b2)) |
      e in set (dom b1 union dom b2) };

  Union : Bag * Bag -> Bag
  Union (b1, b2) ==
    {e |-> Count (e, b1) + Count (e, b2) | 
     e in set (dom b1 union dom b2)};

  SubBag : Bag * Bag -> bool
  SubBag (b1, b2) ==
    forall e in set dom b1 &
      Count(e, b1) <= Count(e, b2);

  Difference : Bag * Bag -> Bag
  Difference (b1, b2) ==
    {e |-> Count(e, b1) - Count(e, b2) 
     e in set dom b1 
     Count(e, b1) > Count(e, b2)

  Size : Bag -> nat 
  Size (b) ==
    if b = { |-> }
    then 0
    else let e in set dom b
         b(e) + Size ({e} <-: b)
   measure CardDom;

   CardDom: Bag -> nat
   CardDom(b) ==
     card dom b;

  Intersection : Bag * Bag -> Bag
  Intersection (b1, b2) ==
    {e |-> Min (Count(e, b1), Count(e, b2)) | 
        -- Design note: Min(...,...) is > 0 
        -- as use inter in next line
        -- to ensure both Counts are at least 1
     e in set (dom b1 inter dom b2)

  SeqToBag : seq of Elem -> Bag
  SeqToBag (s) ==
    AuxSeqToBag(s, Empty())

  -- The values requested by the customer for tests
  baga : Bag = { <A> |-> 3, <B> |-> 2, <C> |-> 4};
  bagb : Bag = { <A> |-> 1, <C> |-> 5, <D> |-> 4, 
                 <E> |-> 1}

end BAG


module BAGTEST

imports from BAG all

exports all



  TestBagAll: () -> bool
  TestBagAll() ==
    let b1  = TestAdd1(),
        b2  = TestAdd2(),
        b3  = TestCount1(),
        b4  = TestCount2(),
        b5  = TestDifference(),
        b6  = TestEmpty(),
        b7  = TestIn1(),
        b8  = TestIn2(),
        b9  = TestIntersection(),
        b10 = TestJoin(),
        b11 = TestRemove1(),
        b12 = TestRemove2(),
        b13 = TestRemove3(),
        b14 = TestSeqToBag(),
        b15 = TestSize(),
        b16 = TestSubBag1(),
        b17 = TestSubBag2(),
        b18 = TestUnion()
      b1 and b2 and b3 and b4 and b5 and b6 and
      b7 and b8 and b9 and b10 and b11 and b12
      and b13 and b14 and b15 and b16 and b17 
      and b18;

  TestAdd1: () -> bool
  TestAdd1() ==
    BAG`Add(<C>,BAG`baga) = 
    { <A> |-> 3,<B> |-> 2,<C> |-> 5 };

  TestAdd2: () -> bool
  TestAdd2() == 
    BAG`Add(<D>,BAG`baga) = 
    { <A> |-> 3,<B> |-> 2,<C> |-> 4,<D> |-> 1 };

  TestCount1: () -> bool
  TestCount1() ==
    BAG`Count(<D>,BAG`baga) = 0;

  TestCount2: () -> bool
  TestCount2() == 
    BAG`Count(<D>,BAG`bagb) = 4;

  TestDifference: () -> bool
  TestDifference() == 
    BAG`Difference(BAG`baga,BAG`bagb) = 
    { <A> |-> 2,<B> |-> 2 };

  TestEmpty: () -> bool
  TestEmpty() == 
    BAG`Empty() = { |-> };

  TestIn1: () -> bool
  TestIn1() ==

  TestIn2: () -> bool
  TestIn2() ==
    not BAG`In(<D>,BAG`baga);

  TestIntersection: () -> bool
  TestIntersection() ==
    BAG`Intersection(BAG`baga,BAG`bagb) =
    { <A> |-> 1,<C> |-> 4 };

  TestJoin: () -> bool
  TestJoin() ==
    BAG`Join(BAG`baga,BAG`bagb) =
    { <A> |-> 3,<B> |-> 2,<C> |-> 5,
      <D> |-> 4,<E> |-> 1 };

  TestRemove1: () -> bool
  TestRemove1() ==
    BAG`Remove(<A>,BAG`bagb) =
    { <C> |-> 5,<D> |-> 4,<E> |-> 1 };

  TestRemove2: () -> bool
  TestRemove2() ==
    BAG`Remove(<A>,BAG`baga) =
    { <A> |-> 2,<B> |-> 2,<C> |-> 4 };

  TestRemove3: () -> bool
  TestRemove3() ==
    BAG`Remove(<D>,BAG`baga) = BAG`baga;

  TestSeqToBag: () -> bool
  TestSeqToBag() ==
    BAG`SeqToBag([<A>,<A>,<B>,<C>,<A>]) = 
    { <A> |-> 3,<B> |-> 1,<C> |-> 1 };

  TestSize: () -> bool
  TestSize() ==
    BAG`Size(BAG`baga) = 9;

  TestSubBag1: () -> bool
  TestSubBag1() ==
    not BAG`SubBag(BAG`baga,BAG`bagb);

  TestSubBag2: () -> bool
  TestSubBag2() ==
    BAG`SubBag({<A> |-> 2,<C> |-> 4},BAG`baga);

  TestUnion: () -> bool
  TestUnion() ==
    BAG`Union(BAG`baga,BAG`bagb) =
    { <A> |-> 4,<B> |-> 2,<C> |-> 9,
      <D> |-> 4,<E> |-> 1 }



module BAR

from BAG

  Elem = <A> | <B> | <C> | <D> | <E>


  Empty: () -> BAG`Bag;
  Add: BAG`Elem * BAG`Bag -> BAG`Bag;
  Remove: BAG`Elem * BAG`Bag -> BAG`Bag;
  Count: BAG`Elem * BAG`Bag -> nat;
  In: BAG`Elem * BAG`Bag -> bool;
  Join: BAG`Bag * BAG`Bag -> BAG`Bag;
  Union: BAG`Bag * BAG`Bag -> BAG`Bag;
  SubBag: BAG`Bag * BAG`Bag -> bool;
  Difference: BAG`Bag * BAG`Bag -> BAG`Bag;
  Size: BAG`Bag -> nat;
  Intersection: BAG`Bag * BAG`Bag -> BAG`Bag;
  SeqToBag: seq of BAG`Elem -> BAG`Bag

  bagb: BAG`Bag

exports all


  Drink = BAG`Elem;
  Cellar = BAG`Bag; 
  -- i.e. various quantities of various drinks
  Bar = BAG`Bag;    -- as cellar
  Supplier = seq of char; 
  -- Don't care about representation of suppliers
  Pub = Cellar * Bar;  
  -- all that matters is the drink stocks in the pub
  BarLevel = BAG`Bag;      
  -- target stocking level of bar
  CellarLevel = BAG`Bag;    
  -- target stocking level of cellar
  Stock = BAG`Bag;
  Order = BAG`Bag

  -- Buy an arbitrary amount of stock from 
  -- a supplier, assuming they have it
  BuyStock : map Supplier to Stock * Supplier * 
             Order * Pub -> Pub
  BuyStock (supps, s, stock, mk_(c,r)) ==
    mk_(BAG`Union (c, stock), r )
  pre s in set dom supps and
      BAG`SubBag( stock, supps(s));

  -- Given a level of bar stocking, 
  -- try refilling the bar from the cellar,
  -- doing the best possible
  RestockBar : Pub * BarLevel -> Pub
  RestockBar (mk_(c,r), bl) ==
    let missing = BAG`Difference(bl, r)
    let can_restock = BAG`Intersection(missing, c)
    mk_(BAG`Difference(c, can_restock),
        BAG`Union(r, can_restock));

  -- A patron buys a round (list) of drinks from the bar
  Round : seq of Drink * Pub -> Pub
  Round (sold, mk_(c,r)) ==
        BAG`Difference(r, BAG`SeqToBag(sold))
  pre BAG`SubBag(BAG`SeqToBag(sold), r);

  -- Given a map of suppliers and what they have, 
  -- work through the list of suppliers until either 
  -- filled requirements of cellar level or run out 
  -- of suppliers
  RestockCellar : CellarLevel * Pub * 
                  map Supplier to Stock -> Pub
  RestockCellar (cl, mk_(c, r), sb) ==
    if sb = { |-> }
    then mk_(c, r)
      let s in set dom sb
      let missing = BAG`Difference(cl, c)
      if BAG`Size(missing) > 0
        let can_restock = BAG`Intersection(missing, sb(s))
                      mk_(BAG`Union(c, can_restock), r), 
                      {s} <-: sb)
        mk_(c, r)
   measure CardCellar;

   CardCellar: CellarLevel * Pub * 
               map Supplier to Stock -> nat
   CardCellar(-,-,sb) ==
     card dom sb;

  -- Sell one drink to a patron
  Drink1 : Drink * Pub -> Pub
  Drink1 (dr, mk_(c,r)) ==
        BAG`Remove(dr, r))
    pre BAG`In(dr, r);

  -- The pub is devoid of alcohol
  Disaster : Pub -> bool
  Disaster (mk_(c,r)) ==
    c = BAG`Empty() and r = BAG`Empty();

  -- Return by a patron of an unopenned bottle
  Unwanted : Drink * Pub -> Pub
  Unwanted (dr, mk_(c,r)) ==
        BAG`Add(dr, r));

  -- Work out the highest single stock for 
  -- each kind of drink
  HighestStock : map Supplier to Stock -> BAG`Bag
  HighestStock (supps) ==
    if dom supps = {}
    then BAG`Empty()
      let s in set dom supps
        BAG`Join(supps(s), HighestStock({s} <-: supps))
  measure CardDom;

  CardDom: map Supplier to Stock -> nat CardDom(m) ==
    card dom m;

  -- How many drinks are there in the pub
  TotalDrinks : Pub -> nat
  TotalDrinks (mk_(c,r)) ==
    BAG`Size(c) + BAG`Size(r)

values -- introduced for the purposes of testing
  cellarlevel1 = {<A> |-> 5, <B> |-> 5, <C> |-> 3};
  barlevel1 = {<A> |-> 2, <B> |-> 2, <C> |-> 5};
  cellar1 = {<A> |-> 8, <B> |-> 5, <C> |-> 4};
  cellar2 = {<B> |-> 1, <C> |-> 4};
  bar1 = {<A> |-> 2, <B> |-> 3, <C> |-> 6};
  bar2 = {<A> |-> 3, <C> |-> 2};
  bar3 = {<A> |-> 3, <B> |-> 3};
  pub1 = mk_(cellar1, bar1);
  pub2 = mk_(cellar1, bar2);
  pub3 = mk_(cellar2, bar1);
  pub4 = mk_(cellar2, bar2);
  pub5 = mk_(cellar1, bar3);
  supps1 = {"Fizz" |-> {<A> |-> 10},
            "Real" |-> {<B> |-> 10, <C> |-> 2},
            "Scrumpy" |-> {<B> |-> 1, <C> |-> 10}};
  supps2 = {"Fizz" |-> {<A> |-> 10},
            "Real" |-> {<B> |-> 1, <C> |-> 5},
            "Scrumpy" |-> {<B> |-> 1, <C> |-> 10}}

end BAR