Overture Tool

Formal Modelling in VDM

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Author: John Fitzgerald and Peter Gorm Larsen

This example is made by John Fitgerald and Peter Gorm Larsen and it is used in the chapter about recursion in the second edition of the VDM-SL book. It contains a number of examples for recursive graph structures and functionality over such graphs.

Properties Values
Language Version: classic
Entry point : DEFAULT`AllLabDesc(lgraph,1)



Graph = map Id to set of Id
inv g == dunion rng g subset dom g;

ASyncGraph = Graph
inv asyncg == 
  forall id in set dom asyncg & 
     id not in set TransClos(asyncg,id);

Path = seq of Id;

Id = nat


Paths: ASyncGraph * Id -> set of Path
Paths(g,id) ==
  let children = g(id)
    if children = {}
    then {[id]}
    else dunion {{[id] ^ p | p in set Paths(g,c)} 
                | c in set children}  
pre id in set dom g
measure measureTransClos;

measureTransClos : ASyncGraph * Id -> nat
measureTransClos(g,id) == 
  card TransClos(g,id);

LinearPath: Graph * Id -> Path
LinearPath(g,id) ==
  let children = g(id)
    if card children <> 1 or 
       exists parent in set dom g & 
          parent <> id and children subset g(parent)
    then [id]
    else let child in set children
           [id] ^ LinearPath(g,child)
pre id in set dom g and
    id not in set TransClos(g,id);

TransClos: Graph * Id -> set of Id
TransClos(g,id) ==
  dunion {TransClosAux(g,c,{})| c in set g(id)}
pre id in set dom g;

TransClosAux: Graph * Id * set of Id -> set of Id
TransClosAux(g,id,reached) ==
  if id in set reached
  then {}
  else {id} union
       dunion {TransClosAux(g,c,reached union {id}) 
              | c in set g(id)}
pre id in set dom g
measure measureGraphReached;

measureGraphReached : Graph * Id * set of Id -> nat
measureGraphReached(g,-,reached) ==
  card dom g - card reached;

AsycDescendents: AcyclicGraph * Id -> set of Id
AsycDescendents(g,id) == 
  {id} union dunion {AsycDescendents(g,c) | c in set  g(id)}
pre id in set dom g
measure measureTransClos;

Descendents: Graph * Id * set of Id -> set of Id
Descendents(g,id,reached) ==
  if id in set reached
  then {}
  else {id} union
       dunion {Descendents(g,c,reached union {id}) 
              | c in set g(id)}
pre id in set dom g
measure measureGraphReached;

AllDesc: Graph * Id -> set of Id
AllDesc(g,id) ==
  dunion {TransClosAux(g,c,{})| c in set g(id)}
pre id in set dom g;


AcyclicGraph = Graph
inv acg == 
  not exists id in set dom acg & 
     id in set AllDesc(acg,id);


  graph : Graph = {1 |-> {2,3},
                   2 |-> {4},
                   3 |-> {5},
                   4 |-> {6},
                   5 |-> {6},
                   6 |-> {}}



LabGraph = map NodeId to (map ArcId to NodeId)
inv g == 
  UniqueArcIds(g) and
  forall m in set rng g & rng m subset dom g;

AcyclicLabGraph = LabGraph
inv acg == 
  not exists id in set dom acg & 
     id in set AllLabDesc(acg,id);

NodeId = nat;

ArcId = nat


AllLabDesc: LabGraph * NodeId -> set of NodeId
AllLabDesc(g,id) ==
  dunion {LabDescendents(g,c,{})| c in set rng g(id)}
pre id in set dom g;

measureLabGraphReached : LabGraph * Id * set of Id -> nat
measureLabGraphReached(g,-,reached) ==
  card dom g - card reached;

LabDescendents: LabGraph * NodeId * set of NodeId -> set of NodeId
LabDescendents(g,id,reached) ==
  if id in set reached
  then {}
  else {id} union
       dunion {LabDescendents(g,c,reached union {id}) 
              | c in set rng g(id)}
pre id in set dom g
measure measureLabGraphReached;

UniqueArcIds: map NodeId to (map ArcId to NodeId) -> bool
UniqueArcIds(g) ==
  let m = {nid |-> dom g(nid) | nid in set dom g}
    forall nid1, nid2 in set dom m &
       nid1 <> nid2 => m(nid1) inter m(nid2) = {}


  lgraph : LabGraph = {1 |-> {1 |-> 2,2 |-> 3},
                       2 |-> {3 |-> 4},
                       3 |-> {4 |-> 5},
                       4 |-> {5 |-> 6},
                       5 |-> {6 |-> 6},
                       6 |-> {|->}}