Overture Tool

Formal Modelling in VDM

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Current Books on VDM

This page supports the use of two current texts on the Vienna Development Method (VDM) and in addition the the book on co-modelling and co-simulation with the Crescendo tool using the VDM-RT dialect.

The following two books are also avaliable in Japanese:

  1. “Modelling Systems” (Fitzgerald & Larsen, second edition, 2009) is the main guide to the principles and practice of system modelling in VDM. It assumes no prior knowledge of formal modelling techniques.
  2. “Validated Designs” (Fitzgerald, Larsen, Mukherjee, Plat & Verhoef, 2005) covers the extended object-oriented version VDM and assumes some basic knowledge of o-o systems.

Finally the book on the Crescendo technology: 3. “Collaborative Design for Embedded Systems” (Fitzgerald, Larsen and Verhoef (eds), 2014).

Click on the image of the book you are interested in to access support material, including teaching materials, additional exercises, tools and other information.

Modelling Systems: Practical Tools and Techniques for Software Development: 2nd Edition Modelling Systems: Practical Tools and Techniques for Software Development: 2nd Edition Validated Designs for Object-oriented Systems Validated Designs for Object-oriented Systems The Book on Collaborative Development of Cyber-Physical Systems